Different areas in the neighborhood have different rental prices.
A) Vergünstigte Flächen für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft (KKW) unter 100 qm für durchschnittlich 9,00 € Kaltmiete pro m² exklusive Mietfläche (anteilige Gemeinschaftsflächen sind bereits enthalten)
B) Reduced spaces for NPPs over 100 sqm from €12.90 per sqm of rental space (the exclusive rental space is calculated plus the proportionate communal areas)
C) Areas for the NPP - from € 20 per m² rental area (the exclusive rental area is calculated and the proportionate communal areas are added)
D) Areas for all, without usage commitment - from € 20 per m² rental area (the exclusive rental area and the proportionate communal areas are calculated)